
Giving Back

Baltic School District isn't one to ask the public for donations, but periodically we receive phone calls and emails asking how someone could donate to the school and what may be some ideas or ways to donate.

We put together several different areas that you can donate money, items or your time to the Baltic School District to help our students, parents, teachers and community.  Thank you in advance for "giving back"

We have a "Baltic Community Scholarship Fund” in which the school participates for student scholarships.

We also have our new “Angel Fund,” this fund is used primarily to help pay student’s delinquent lunch accounts, but it may also be used to help students with other expenses such as:
Field trips
Stocking hats
School Supplies 

We always appreciate donations to specific programs such as drama, music, activities, clubs or a specific sport, library books, technology devices or equipment, or even to a subject area to continue to elevate our academic and activities.

Baltic Food Bank, we have a donation box right inside the elementary doors (on the west side) for the community and students to donate any food items.  We ask that they are not expired or perishable.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact the Baltic School District at (605) 529-5461.  Thank you!